The International Symposium of Wearable Computing was a huge success for Georgia Tech. A paper on the FIDO project won BEST PAPER and James Hallam’s haptic stroke mirror therapy glove project won BEST FUNTIONAL DESIGN at ISWC’s Design Exhibition. UbiComp Conference was also held in Zurich at the same location, and the city was a buzz with cutting edge technology.

FIDO – Facilitating Interactions for Dogs with Occupations Wearable Dog-Activated Interfaces. M. Jackson, C. Zeagler, G. Valentin, A. Martin, V. Martin, A. Delawalla, W. Blount, S. Eiring, R. Hollis, & T. Starner. IEEE & ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Zurich, Switzerland, September 2013 BEST PAPER

GT graduate student Emily Keen showing off her wearable position-aware garment at the ISWC Design Exhibition