INTERACTIVE SKIRT is a system of lights that corresponds with the movement around the garment as well as movements while it is being worn. Created for dancer Mary Jane Pennington, the garment enhances her ability to engage with her audience by providing her with another storytelling tool.
Joelle Alcaidinho,
Xiao Han,
Emily Keen,
Regan O’Connell
In the fall of 2013 students from Georgia Tech’s School of Industrial Design worked with dancers from glo atlanta dance to create wearable electronic garments. This work was done as a class project for Wearable Product Design ID 4510 / ID 8900 WPD and is shown here with permission from the students involved with the projects.

AFFORDANCE TO DANCE Building off of the design principle of affordances we built a framework for a garment that incorporated motion sensing input, which triggered a matrix of LEDs affixed to the outer layer of the garment.
James Hallam,
Christa Lee,
Erica Yang

BEAT is a costume for the gloATL dancer, Nicole Johnson. A dress which would pulse and spread light according to her heart beat.
Isabella Norcini,
Sophia Linebaugh,
Yida Gong,
Tao Yang