ISWC ’15, Workshop September 7th and 8th, 2015, Osaka, Japan
Creating wearable devices for real world harsh environments is a significant challenge to research projects. Often in the pursuit of academic papers we lose the hands-on experience we develop while building the actual hardware. In the pursuit of reaching our goals we put aside the construction and prototyping lessons learned while getting there. Typically the devices we build are secondary to the research performed, but the skills are common to many ubiquitous and wearable computing projects.
There are not many venues to publish these experiences. DIY builder venues may not appreciate our narrowly focused requirements, while academic publication is not usually appropriate for these engineering efforts, often only having room for a short description of the final version of the test setup. Ruggedizing equipment for use with animals, or waterproofing computers for underwater experiments might have taken up most of the research time, but can often get the least space in a paper.
In this workshop we will have the opportunity to talk about how we built our devices, systems, and test setups. What did we create in order to perform the study? What did and didn’t work? Who made the part that finally met the requirements? What combination of hardware from different sources made the difference?
This is the engineer’s opportunity for show and tell. Bring your hardware, bring your horror stories, and brag on your sources. Tell us about the approaches that failed and why. Share your insights and help the community create new devices. Tell us about processes and procedures. Describe your failures and then the ultimate successes. Teach us how to build.
Submit your presentations and questions to by June 10, 2015. See for more details.