textile incantations was a solo exhibition of my work at The Goat Farm in Atlanta GA June 8th -23rd. This is an archive of the body of work. Some pieces are still available and you can contact Clint Zeagler for more information.

Artist Statement
In response to the increasing digitalization of life and specifically my life as a researcher and academic, my art has become an outlet for my hands and a respite from the technical. As artistic creation in some spheres has become or is moving towards learning to cleverly craft briefs for artificial intelligence, in my art I am more interested in old world techniques and textural manipulations too complex and too left to chance for machines to produce. Working with centuries old root dye formulations and fixation methods I color fabrics. Folding, pressing, knitting, deconstructing, aging, and embellishing with luxuries, I create compositions to evoke moods, to calm or energize. These compositions carry the story of the materials and textures creating intentions. These textile incantations manifest and react to my experience living as a gay man in the American south. They are the salves and protections I search for; they are my spells and wards against a society that seeks to minimize my experience and harm my LGBTQ+ community.

30” x 30”
osage, turmeric, madder root, logwood dyed organic cotton duck and organic cotton batiste, silver leaf, deconstructed organic cotton muslin, artist knit villa rica organic cotton yarn, glass beads, natural purple hue pearls, urine reduced indigo vat dyed organic cotton duck, and 24k gold leaf.
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‘logical balance in virgo spell with a small ward against insincerity’
30″ x 30″
osage, turmeric, madder, and logwood dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck. organic cotton villa rica knit. artist knit found nylon and cotton threads. silver leaf, gold leaf, and one lavender wild pearl.
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18″ x 18″
logwood dyed organic cotton duck, silver leaf, artist knit alpaca silk yarn, silk stainless steel and silk copper thread, natural white and lavender pearls.
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18″ x 18″
logwood dyed organic cotton duck, 24k gold leaf, artist knit logwood dyed organic cotton villa rica yarn, silk, copper, raw organic cotton villa rica yarn, and three glass beads.
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54″ x 54″
is log wood dyed organic cotton duck with silver leaf and chain, artist knit cotton and silk, and distressed organic cotton slub weave and muslin.
private collection

18″ x 18″
urine reduced indigo vat dyed organic cotton duck with 24k gold leaf, glass beading, artist knit organic cotton yarn dyed with osage, turmeric and madder.
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18” x 18”
6 month yard aged vodka steam sanitized cotton duck fabric, logwood dyed cotton duck, silver leaf, artist knit wool silk blend, copper silk thread, glass beads.
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logwood dyed salt fixed urine reduced indigo vat over-dyed organic cotton duck, turmeric dyed indigo over-dyed organic cotton duck knife pleats, 6 month yard aged vodka steam sanitized organic cotton duck, organic cotton artist knit, linen stainless steel artist knit, silver leaf, 24k gold leaf, 20 lavender pearls.
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11″ x 11″
1 month and 6 month under oak yard aged vodka steam sanitized cotton duck, georgia kaolin artist made paint, artist knit copper silk yarn, logwood dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, 2 pearls, silver leaf
private collection

18” x 18”
urine reduced indigo vat dyed organic cotton duck, georgia kaolin artist made paint, artist knit villa rica organic cotton yarn, osage, turmeric, madder root dyed and salt fixed organic cotton duck 10 pearls, silver leaf.
private collection

18″ x 18″
1 month under oak yard aged vodka steam sanitized cotton duck, georgia kaolin artist made paint, artist knit villa rica organic cotton yarn, urine reduced indigo vat dyed organic cotton batiste pleated, logwood dyed salt fixed cotton duck, 9 lavender pearls, 24K gold leaf
available inquire for more information

18” x 18”
1 month under oak yard aged vodka steam sanitized organic cotton duck, madder root dyed salt fixed organic cotton batiste, georgia sourced kaolin clay, linen stainless steel recycled tee cotton artist knit, vintage rayon yarn artist knit, logwood dyed salt fixed cotton duck, paper yarn artist knit, silver leaf, 5 pearls, 9 lavender pearls, turmeric and osage dyed salt fixed urine reduced indigo vat over dyed organic cotton duck.
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52” x 52”
month yard aged vodka steam sanitized organic cotton duck, georgia sourced kaolin clay, madder root dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, turmeric and osage dyed salt fixed urine reduced indigo vat over dyed organic cotton duck, organic cotton artist knit, paper yarn artist knit, linen stainless steel and copper artist knit, silver leaf, gold leaf, artist crafted porcelain shards, 26 pearls, 3 lavender pearls
private collection

52” x 52”
logwood dyed salt fixed urine reduced indigo vat over-dyed organic cotton duck, madder dyed logwood over-dyed organic cotton duck pleats, organic cotton artist knit, linen stainless steel madder dyed yarn artist knit, turmeric osage dyed salt fixed cotton duck, silver leaf, 24k gold leaf, 9 lavender pearls
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18” x 18”
urine reduced indigo vat dyed organic cotton duck, georgia kaolin artist made paint, artist knit paper yarn, artist knit villa rica organic cotton yarn, osage, turmeric, madder root dyed and salt fixed organic cotton duck, artist knit villa rica organic cotton madder dyed and linen yarn, 4 pearls, silver leaf, porcelain shard
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30” x 30”
logwood dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, georgia sourced kaolin clay, 6 month yard aged vodka steam sanitized cotton duck, organic cotton artist knit, paper yarn artist knit, silver leaf, 24 pearls, 16 lavender pearls
available inquire for more information

30” x 30”
month yard aged vodka steam sanitized organic cotton duck, georgia sourced kaolin clay, logwood dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, 6 month yard aged vodka steam sanitized cotton duck, turmeric and osage dyed salt fixed urine reduced indigo vat over dyed organic cotton duck, organic cotton artist knit, paper yarn artist knit, reclaimed tee artist knit, hemp artist knit, silver leaf, 17 pearls, 20 black pearls
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18” x 18”
logwood dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck and yarn, artist knit, found and heat set warp knit tricot, canvas castoffs, entangled overages, silk and copper thread, silver leaf, pearls, and glass beads
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30” x 30”
urine reduced indigo vat dyed organic cotton duck, georgia kaolin artist made paint, artist knit paper yarn, artist knit villa rica organic cotton yarn, osage, turmeric, madder root dyed and salt fixed organic cotton batiste, artist knit wool, 10 pearls, silver leaf, porcelain shards, gold leaf
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30” x 30”
logwood dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, osage turmeric urine reduced indigo vat over-dyed organic cotton duck, turmeric dyed organic cotton yarn artist knit, 3 month yard aged vodka steam sanitized organic cotton duck, madder root dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, linen reclaimed tee and hemp artist knit, copper wire, 24k gold leaf, 16 lavender pearls
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11” x 11”
logwood dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, 6 month yard aged vodka steam sanitized cotton duck, merino wool artist knit, madder root dyed sat fixed organic cotton batiste, paper yarn artist knit, silver leaf, 2 lavender pearls
private collection

11” x 11”
urine reduced indigo vat dyed organic cotton duck, georgia kaolin clay, paper yarn artist knit, organic cotton and reclaimed tee yarn artist knit, logwood dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, madder root dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, graph paper over a porcelain shard, 6 pearls, 2 lavender pearls
private collection

11” x 11”
madder root dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, georgia sourced kaolin clay, silk stainless steel organic cotton turmeric osage dyed salt fixed yarn artist knit, logwood dyed salt fixed cotton duck, paper yarn artist knit, gold leaf, 5 pearls, copper wire
private collection

11” x 11”
turmeric osage dyed salt fixed urine vat indigo over-dyed organic cotton duck, vintage rayon yarn artist knit, logwood dyed salt fixed cotton batiste, madder root dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, gold leaf, 9 lavender pearls, silk alpaca yarn
available inquire for more information

18” x 18”
madder root dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, georgia sourced kaolin clay, linen stainless steel recycled tee cotton artist knit, turmeric osage dyed salt fixed yarn artist knit, logwood dyed salt fixed cotton duck, paper yarn artist knit, gold leaf, 4 pearls, 12 lavender pearls, turmeric and osage dyed salt fixed urine reduced indigo vat over dyed organic cotton duck, copper wire.
available inquire for more information

11” x 11”
1 month under oak yard aged vodka steam sanitized cotton duck, georgia sourced kaolin clay, paper yarn artist knit, merino wool artist knit, organic cotton artist knit, logwood dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, 2 black pearls, porcelain shard, 9 pearls, silver leaf
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11” x 11”
urine reduced indigo vat dyed organic cotton duck, georgia kaolin clay, paper yarn artist knit, organic cotton and hemp yarn artist knit, logwood dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, turmeric osage and madder root dyed salt fixed organic cotton batiste, turmeric osage dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, merino wool and hemp artist knit, 6 month yard aged vodka steam sanitized cotton duck, 4 pearls, 9 lavender pearls, silver leaf
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11” x 11”
turmeric osage and madder dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, organic cotton yarn artist knit, logwood dyed salt fixed cotton duck, 6 month yard aged vodka steam sanitized cotton duck, paper yarn artist knit, silver leaf, 5 pearls, glass beads
private collection

11” x 11”
1 month under oak yard aged vodka steam sanitized cotton duck, georgia sourced kaolin clay, paper yarn artist knit, organic cotton artist knit, hemp artist knit, logwood dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, 3 black pearls, 8 pearls, 2 lavender pearls, silver leaf
available inquire for more information

11” x 11”
logwood dyed salt fixed organic cotton duck, georgia sourced kaolin clay, osage turmeric urine reduced indigo vat over-dyed organic cotton duck, alpaca silk off cast weft and warp yarn tangled and sewn mat, paper yarn artist knit, madder root dyed sat fixed organic cotton batiste, 4 pearls, 9 lavender pearls, gold leaf
private collection